Jamaican Rum Snow Cocktail

When it’s springtime in the rest of the continental US, winter hangs on in the Rocky Mountains. We don’t mind—we like to get extra turns on the ski hill and make use of all that snow by making one of these delicious winter cocktails. This batch recipe will keep in the fridge for up to 30 days.

In a Saucepan:

2 Cups heavy cream

4 oz. Organic chocolate chips

2 Teaspoons ground cinnamon

Simmer on low heat until chocolate is melted; set aside briefly.

In sturdy blender:

2 (12 oz.) Cans of organic evaporated milk

8 oz. Organic caramel

2 Tablespoons strong, locally-roasted coffee

2 Teaspoons vanilla extract

3 Cups Montanya Oro Rum

Blend until smooth.

Add cream mixture to blender mixture. Chill and refrigerate for up to 30 days. To serve, fill a martini glass with fresh, clean snow and pour over Jamaican rum cream cocktail. Enjoy!

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Looking for another winter favorite? While there’s no snow in the White Room, it’s delish and inspired by Colorado powder days.


Coconut Daiquiri Rum Cocktail Recipe


The Piedmont Rum Cocktail Recipe